18 reviews

  1. Fran Johnson

    Appreciate this. Thanks!

  2. Martie Kyde

    I just completed the last (I thought) of 16 Valentines, each different, but I will have to try this one! It will be different from all the others. Thank you for the idea.

  3. Fran


  4. Judy Bailey

    Your talent is amazing. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Judy Bailey

    I envy your talent but the next best thing is your sharing with all of us. Thank you so much.

  6. Kathryn Burger

    Love the help that is always offered!

  7. Lena

    Really like the concept, can’t wait to try it out.

  8. Nancy Merritt

    Very pretty

  9. Diane Roughton

    Always on the lookout for novel cards – can’t wait to get started on this one!

  10. Patty Hoffman

    very nice, cheat sheet helpful.
    thank you

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