• Kid-Friendly DIY Paper Ornaments Tutorial

    Today’s tutorial is the perfect kid-friendly project that will produce heirloom DIY paper ornaments! My four-year-old and I had a blast making these little treasures, which now hang proudly on our Christmas tree.

    Kid-Friendly Paper DIY Ornaments Tutorial

    What do you do when you’ve got a bored four-year-old at home in the thick of the holiday season? Make DIY paper ornaments! Today, I’ll show you how my little guy and I made some beautiful holiday tree jewelry that will last for years to come.

    Kid-Friendly Paper DIY Ornaments Tutorial
    DIY paper ornaments are a wonderful project for kids and adults alike!

    1. Print + Trace an Ornament Template

    First, print out this simple ornament template on whatever paper is in your printer.

    Paper ornament template
    You can find this ornament template here.

    Then, cut the template out.

    Cut-out DIY paper ornament

    Next, trace your template onto cardstock or watercolor paper. I chose to use black cardstock, while Remy opted for elegant green handmade paper. I had Remy hold the template still while I traced around it using a white mechanical pencil.

    Tracing a DIY paper ornament
    For projects like this one, think about your child’s skill level and how you can realistically involve him or her in the creation process. Remy is too young to draw with precision, so I had him hold the template down while I traced it.

    Once you’ve traced the template, use scissors to cut out your ornaments.

    Cut Out DIY Paper Ornaments

    2. Add Paint

    Next, use a blunt art syringe to moisten the colors in a metallic watercolor palette (such as the TPK Finetec Palette). Adding water to the paint is a job that’s fun for kids of any age!

    Adding Water to the TPK Finetec Palette
    Remy and I used the TPK Finetec Palette to make our ornaments.

    Then, dip your brush in the color of your choice and get to painting.

    Painting a DIY Ornament

    If you’re painting with a little kid, just let them do their thing. Errors like paint contamination and spilled water are easily corrected!

    Making DIY Paper Ornaments
    Color contamination is a common issue when you’re creating with a young child. (Notice how Remy has put blue paint on the gold.) If that happens, no big deal. Just moisten the contaminated paint, then use a paper towel to blot off the unwanted color.

    Making Kid-Friendly DIY Paper Ornaments

    Making Pretty (Adult) Ornaments

    While Remy worked on his ornaments, I made mine. First, I painted the tops with two coats of silver watercolor.

    Adding Silver to Kid-Friendly DIY Paper Ornaments

    Then, I used the “Double Flourish Ornament” motif from the TPK Holiday Calligraphy Worksheet 2022 Edition to add some pretty flourishes to one of my ornaments.

    Making Kid-Friendly DIY Paper Ornaments
    I used gold watercolor, a Brause EF66 nib, and a Brause EF66 oblique pen to make my ornament.

    For my second ornament, I used the “Unraveled Ornament” motif (again, from the TPK Holiday Calligraphy Worksheet 2022 Edition) and metallic green ink. Remy was finished with his ornaments by that point, so I added silver paint to the tops of his ornaments.

    Making kid-friendly DIY paper ornaments

    3. Protect Your Ornaments (Optional)

    Next, if you want to, you can use MicroGlaze to add a protective layer to your ornaments. This step isn’t strictly necessary, but it does help to ensure that your paint won’t smudge over the years, and it makes the paper just a tad bit more resilient.

    Waterproofing DIY Ornaments
    You can learn how to use MicroGlaze in this tutorial.

    4. Punch Holes and Add String

    Now, use a large hole punch to put holes in the tops of the ornaments.

    Punching Holes in Ornaments

    Hole-punching requires precision that young kids don’t possess, but kids do love to use the hole puncher! I let Remy play with the hole puncher on a spare piece of paper while I wrote his name and the year on the backs of his ornaments.

    Punching Holes
    As you make projects with kids, try to think of ways to allow them to explore tools like the hole puncher! I didn’t mind giving Remy a spare page from a worksheet set, which he punched holes into.

    Once you’ve punched holes in the ornaments, use the string/twine of your choice to make hangers.

    Kid-Friendly DIY Paper Ornaments Tutorial

    Then, hang the ornaments on your tree!

    Kid-Friendly DIY Paper Ornaments Tutorial
    I love how these ornaments turned out, and I look forward to displaying them on our Christmas tree for years to come.

    I hope that today’s tutorial inspires you to make a cool ornament — either by yourself or with a beloved little one. For more ornament goodness, you can check out the Calligraphy Christmas Ornament Tutorial. It uses the same template that I’ve provided you with today, but the project concept is a bit more adult!

    Calligraphy Christmas Ornament Tutorial
    The Calligraphy Christmas Ornament Tutorial makes good use of watercolor paper and Christmas watercolor tones.

    Thanks so much for reading this tutorial, and happy holidays from Remy, Pia, Hernán, and me!


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