
Call me snoopy, but I love looking through other people’s sketchbooks. Doing so always gives me ideas for working in my own sketchbook! If you feel the same way, I’ve got a treat for you: 93 pages of my own sketchbook pages that range from 2006-2021.

There’s a little bit of everything in here: I’ve worked with all different mediums, dealt with a variety of topics, and progressed through different sketchbooking formats. You will be inspired to work in your own sketchbook and, I suspect, find entertainment as the creator matures from 15 years old to 32 years old.

This eBook comes to you in a PDF format, which is viewable on most electronic devices with Adobe Reader (a free PDF reader). EPUB format is available upon request (email [email protected]). I don’t recommend printing this eBook; it’s best enjoyed on a screen.

3 reviews

  1. Kimberly C.

    I just bought a sketchbook and I really had no idea what to fill it up with, so this ebook helped a lot. With over 100 pages, it gives a lot of great ideas to fill a book, as well as getting to know Lindsey a bit better & to see her progression as an artist. I’m happy with my purchase and am looking forward to going through it again to build on her ideas and/or use them for my own sketchbook!

  2. Colleen

    I found this book to be inspiring. It’s not a calligraphy book, it’s more like a trip to an art museum. I thought there were great ideas for pages, and seeing this cross-section from Ms. Bugbee’s body of work made me realize that in the beginning, amazing work can be elusive. Everyone always says that, but sometimes it feels discouraging to actually work hard and not have your art look sort of prosaic. Seeing the early efforts of an artist whose work I admire encouraged me to keep doing the work, that there is a point to doing the fruit studies, that even a trip to Starbucks can help you to get practice in. The pieces at the end are gorgeous- they are where/how Ms. Bugbee is creating work today. The earlier work is rougher, experimental, exploratory, and I found it fascinating.

  3. Marla Brumbaugh

    Nothing insightful here. Basically a pick and choose of what I assume were the best pages from 16 years of brain dumping, which I consider to be more of a diary than a sketchbook. There are several eye catching drawings, but few are inspirational as the cover of this eBook. Disappointing.

    • Lindsey Bugbee

      Hi Marla! I’m so sorry that the eBook didn’t deliver what you were expecting, and I have issued a full refund to your order. It’s very important to me that TPK readers/customers are happy with their purchases! I will always do everything in my power to ensure that. Thanks for your honest review!

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