
Kaitlin Style brush pen calligraphy is a whimsical and artistic style of writing. It’s the perfect style for brush pen beginners because it doesn’t require fussing with pencil guidelines! To begin, you’ll need a brush pen (I recommend the Pigma MB, but any fine- or medium-tipped brush pen will work) and a printer and paper. I highly recommend printing all TPK calligraphy worksheets out on 32# laserjet paper.

The Kaitlin Style Brush Pen Calligraphy Worksheet Set is the first brush pen worksheet set to be offered on the TPK website! It was released in November of 2016 and features the following:

Core Kaitlin Style Brush Pen Calligraphy Worksheet (45 Pages)

The Core Kaitlin Style Brush Pen Calligraphy Worksheet includes everything you need to know to get started, including:

  • Information on how to choose a brush pen
  • Detailed instructions on how to hold a brush pen
  • Stroke practice
  • Brush pen calligraphy alphabet practice
  • Brush pen calligraphy word practice
  • Stroke dips practice
  • Stroke reference sheet
  • Troubleshooting & FAQ page
  • Lined general practice

Intensive Alphabet Practice (67 Pages)

Print off specific pages on a per-need basis to master letters that you have trouble with.

Intensive Word Practice (28 Pages)

Print off specific pages on a per-need basis to practice putting Kaitlin Style brush pen letters together to make words.

If you have any questions about TPK printable calligraphy worksheet sets, feel free to get in touch with me or visit the FAQ page!


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