
In case you’re wondering: yes! Iron gall ink is more acidic than many of its inky peers, and it may “eat” your nib a bit quicker than other inks. As per usual, make sure you have a couple of extra nibs on hand to use when your nib goes kaput. I promise: the slightly increased wear on your nibs is worth it. You’re going to love this ink!

Additional information

Weight 4 oz

16 reviews

  1. Liz Fosdick

    Decided to try iron gall ink for the first time and I love it so much! It is every bit as wonderful as Lindsey says it is. Flows beautifully and dries to a nice dark colour. The way it dries also has some variation in it, which somehow looks more authentic and artsy. Highly recommend!

  2. Larry Gabler

    This Iron Gall Ink is wonderful. Absolutely beautiful hairlines. I have been doing calligraphy for over 35 years professionally. I always heard of Iron Gall Ink but never used due to the fact that it damaged your nibs. Upon seeing the results I feel that it is worth it. It is an exceptional ink that produces beautiful results. I have used it on some of my other Copperplate jobs and it looks great. Thanks Lindsey.

  3. kbryan1079

    I purchased the Iron Gall ink recently and I’m so glad I did!! I love it!! 😊

  4. Cheryl C.

    Love this iron gall ink! Very smooth, nice gradients and able to create lovely fine flourishes. Thanks Lindsey for for the supplies!

  5. Paige

    I love the consistency and color of this ink! It is smooth, easy to write with, and has a beautiful gradient to it. I don’t think I can ever go back to using another ink 🙂

  6. ldalrymple5

    I enjoy practicing with this ink. I had been using Sumi ink but the consistency of the iron gall helps me make the thin upstrokes. I also can do my flourishes more easily!

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