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Beginner’s Modern Calligraphy Online Course
Lesson 1: Preparing to Create Pointed Pen Calligraphy
We’re going to kick off your calligraphy learning experience by using a familiar writing instrument: a regular pen. Any pen will work to create “faux calligraphy” in this lesson! As you write, you’ll gain a thorough understanding of stroke widths, which will help when we move on to using the pointed pen.
Lesson 2: Pointed Pen Calligraphy Supplies
Lesson 3: The Straight Pen Holder
Now that you’re familiar with faux calligraphy and you have all your supplies, we’re moving on to the straight dip pen. Since this is your first rendezvous with a dip pen, remember to be patient with yourself. Watch the videos, take notes, and don’t get discouraged if your homework doesn’t end up looking perfect. (No one starts off writing immaculate calligraphy!)
Lesson 4: The Oblique Calligraphy Pen
If you’re right-handed, the oblique calligraphy pen will more than likely become your pen of choice. Despite its intimidating appearance, the oblique pen is a simple device that aids your writing angle. It will help you to write slanted calligraphy, and you’ll likely notice an improvement in your posture as well. A left oblique pen may or may not help lefties, which is something we’ll explore in this lesson as well.