
This hand lettering worksheet set will help you to learn the basics of six different styles of letterforms. It will also show you how to compile those letterforms into a cohesive art piece (should you choose to do so). You won’t need any special materials to fill out this worksheet; if you’ve got a pencil, a pen, and paper, you are set!

This printable hand lettering worksheet set includes the following pages:

  • Illustrated Supply List 
  • Tips 
  • Step-by-Step Description + Practice for Writing:
    • Sans-Serif Style Letters 
    • Open Style Letters 
    • Wishbone Style Letters 
    • Roman Style Letters 
    • Garamond Style Letters 
    • Flytrap Style Letters 
  • Instructions for Writing Words + Letter Spacing
  • Half Inch Grid 
  • Half Centimeter Grid

Once you purchase, you will also be presented with a bonus add-on download: The Making of the Hand Lettering for a Latté Logo. This 3-page printable gives you insight into the process behind making a hand-lettered illustrated piece.

30 reviews

  1. Lacey Kovacic

    This workbook has been very helpful in finding new lettering styles that compliment my pointed pen calligraphy. Everything is nicely formated and easy to understand.

  2. cassie.irwin

    There are so many great resources here to learn hand lettering of various styles. Often hand lettering shows only a couple of styles of lettering, but this set offers several ways to learn to letter, as well as ways to create fun embellishments!

  3. Katelyn Cawthorn

    I really love these worksheets. They have very clear instructions and I will definitely use them for many projects.

  4. Arden

    By far a five-star worksheet! I use this for so many projects. Thanks so much, Mrs. Lindsey!

    • Lindsey Bugbee

      Thanks, Arden! I am glad you have gotten so much out of it!

  5. Frauke

    Great Worksheet Set! I loved reading the instructions, it was all very simple and clear. Best of all is the grid pages, which allowed me to get right started without doing all of the practice sheets first. So as a impatient beginner in handlettering I can guarantee you get very fast and beautiful results!

  6. cfinch711

    This is a great product!! It’s a full, comprehensive workbook that will teach you amazing hand lettering skills that you can use for so many projects. It provides you with tutorials and examples of several different styles. This is great for beginners or even someone who’s a bit experienced but wants some new styles to learn.

  7. Melinda

    I can’t wait to learn these beautiful lettering styles!

  8. tl4nier

    Awesome that this is available, I’ve looked all over for things like this, the craft stores want 20 bucks for the books but have a bunch of other things in the books I’m not interested in. I just want to learn different styles of hand letters. Thank you for making it available and affordable.
    Tammy 🙂

  9. dfaccend

    Thank you so much for providing this amazing resource for those who want to learn the fine art of calligraphy. My husband is battling cancer and practicing calligraphy is a relaxing outlet for me to deal with the stresses this horrible disease is putting us through. I love the flourishes and beautiful fonts as well as the creative projects this site is awesome!!!!!

  10. V

    I have cancer. What a way to start a review! I found it very difficult to meditate or to calm my mind and my “self” given my medical condition. The methodical approach and required focus have become a form of meditation for me. I am fully present when practicing calligraphy. I noticed this after using your practice sheets. I truly appreciate the outlet that you have provided me. I love the fonts and styles, and I look forward to seeing more of your creativity!

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