Experience the joy of creating fun and whimsical calligraphy with this Kaitlin Style Calligraphy Variations Worksheet. This downloadable and printable 16-page calligraphy worksheet set was designed to be an add-on for the Kaitlin Style Calligraphy Worksheet Set. It is the perfect companion to help you get creative with new variations of Kaitlin Style calligraphy.
The variations included in this worksheet include:
- “Switching” – A calligraphy variation that has alternating, dramatically different sizes of letters
- “Long” – A calligraphy variation that features extended connecting strokes
- “Groovy” – A calligraphy variation that doesn’t lean to the right
- “Cramped” – An angular calligraphy variation that is the opposite of fluid and flowy
The worksheet set includes explanations, examples, and practice pages for each variation, including tracing and freehand word practice. The worksheet was designed for people who understand the basics of strokes and calligraphy, so original Kaitlin Style calligraphy is the only style in the worksheet that includes directional formation arrows.
Do you have to have completed the Kaitlin Style Calligraphy Worksheet Set to enjoy the benefits of filling out this worksheet set? No. But having a familiarity with Kaitlin Style calligraphy will certainly help. At the very least, you need to understand calligraphy basics and be fairly comfortable writing with a pointed pen. For those who do not own the Kaitlin Style calligraphy worksheet (or those who need a refresher), I’ve included a Kaitlin Style calligraphy alphabet exemplar and letter formation instructions in this worksheet.
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