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Want to take your lettering to the next level? Combine inked calligraphy and watercolors! That sounds simple enough, but there’s a specific process you should follow to guarantee polished-looking strokes and ink that doesn’t smudge. (Read to the end to find a special inky gift!)
The same question mills through my email inbox every month or so: “How can I write calligraphy on a watercolor background?” The answer: write the calligraphy before you paint the background. In this article, I’ll teach you how to combine inked calligraphy with watercolor backgrounds to result in smooth, crisp strokes that don’t bleed.
When you’ve got your eye on a project that combines inked calligraphy with watercolors, you’ll need a hardy paper that’s water-resistant. My favorite watercolor paper is Strathmore 140 lb. (affiliate link) because it can handle a lot of moisture before it starts to warp.
It’s important to note that pointed pen nibs can act a bit finicky on watercolor paper. Watercolor paper nearly always has some tooth and texture to it, so remember that you’ll have to focus and try to use an especially light touch as you create upstrokes.
Behind every polished masterpiece is a draft. Pencil drafts can take a while to make, but they save you time in the long run. If you begin your calligraphy piece with a pencil draft, you’ll drastically reduce your chance of making a mistake.
Try writing out an exact draft of your calligraphy or lettering. It’s okay if you need to use guidelines (like letter baselines) in order to achieve an ideal draft.
People usually think that the watercolor should go on first, then the ink. Unfortunately, it’s very difficult to create calligraphy on a watercolored surface. The watercolor makes the surface too smooth and unpredictable, making it tough to create crisp strokes. That’s why I recommend drawing/writing with ink first and then waterproofing over it. The most reliable waterproof ink I’ve found is Ziller Soot Black.
I’ve experimented with several inks over the years (see: Black Calligraphy Inks Comparison Part I: Ziller, Sumi, and Higgins and Black Calligraphy Inks Comparison Part II: Bombay, Speedball, and Winsor & Newton), and Ziller ink is the only one that was completely waterproof for me.
Just use the pen holder and the nib of your choice to trace over your pencil draft with your waterproof ink.
Let the ink dry, then use an eraser to get rid of any remaining pencil lines. You want to make sure your pencil lines are all gone before you go over them with watercolor — otherwise, your watercolor will immortalize the pencil marks on the page.
Once you’ve erased over your pencil guidelines, paint over the calligraphy with your favorite watercolors. Try to use light colors. That way, you’ll see plenty of contrast between the black letters and the colored background.
Once your watercolor dries, feel free to use Bleed Proof White ink to draw stars and light beams around your calligraphy. Doing so lends a fun and festive look to projects!
And that’s it! This is the exact order that I recommend for combining black calligraphy with watercolors. To recap, you’ll go: (1) pencil draft, (2) ink, and (3) watercolor.
While we went over how to make a simple watercolor piece today, this process can apply to a variety of projects. It’s the same process I’d use for illustrated watercolor maps, for example. If you’re making something like the map pictured below, pencil drafts and waterproof ink are absolutely imperative.
I’ve also used this process to add watercolors to place cards! Remember, writing on a surface that has dry (or wet, for that matter) watercolor paint on it is never ideal. Instead, write first, then paint second.
Lastly, this process is also great for sketchbook pages and artwork in general. In addition to calligraphy, Ziller ink is great for illustrations. If the ink isn’t giving you the delicate lines needed for techniques such as crosshatching, you can dilute it with some water. Don’t fret: the ink’s watercolor properties won’t be compromised!
I know that this is a simple article, but it contains important information. My hope is that it helps you next time you want to create a project that incorporates both calligraphy and watercolors. Here’s to combining different mediums and techniques to create projects that surprise and delight!
*This post contains affiliate links to Amazon