• How to Make the Perfect Calligraphy Thank You Card

    Today’s calligraphy thank you card concept is the perfect fit for any occasion! I’ll walk you through how to make it with the help of a tutorial video and a free printable.

    How to Make the Perfect Calligraphy Thank You Card
    This calligraphy thank you card is a wonderful way to convey your gratitude to anyone, whether they’re a close friend or an acquaintance.

    When my daughter, Pia, was born a couple of months ago, I received several special gifts. Now that we’ve settled into a bit of a routine, I’ve had time to make the simple but pretty thank you cards in today’s tutorial for the givers! In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to adapt The “Little Black Dress” of Calligraphy Birthday Cards concept in order to make a lovely thank you card yourself.

    Video Tutorial

    You can watch the video below to learn how to make this card. You’ll need to download the Perfect Calligraphy Thank You Card Template in order to create it! For a list of supplies plus written instructions, keep reading.

    Written Tutorial

    1. Gather Supplies

    First, you’ll need to gather up a few supplies:

    2. Draw Guidelines

    Next, use your parallel glider, white mechanical pencil, and the Perfect Calligraphy Thank You Card Template to draw guidelines on your black card. Feel free to draw X’s in between the guidelines to avoid writing where you shouldn’t.

    How to Make the Perfect Calligraphy Thank You Card
    If you’re not sure how to use a parallel glider to make guidelines, see this article.

    3. Write Your Thank You Card Calligraphy

    Next, use gold watercolor and your dip pen to write “Thank You Very Much” over and over again on your card. (You’ll be glad you drew guidelines in order to complete this step!)

    Making Calligraphy on a Thank You Card
    Not sure how to create calligraphy with gold watercolor? See this tutorial.

    When you’re finished, the card will look something like this:

    Almost Done with the Perfect Calligraphy Thank You Card!

    4. Erase the Pencil Guidelines

    Once your watercolor has completely dried, use a black eraser to get rid of the white pencil guidelines.

    Erasing guidelines
    Black erasers don’t leave a waxy residue on dark papers, which makes them ideal for projects like this one.

    Then, step back and enjoy your handiwork!

    How to Make the Perfect Calligraphy Thank You Card

    5. Add a Note

    When you’re ready to send the card, use a white pen and elegant cursive handwriting to write a note to your recipient. I like to use nice cursive on the inside of cards like this one because it complements the pretty calligraphy on the front of the card!

    Elegant cursive written in white ink
    I kept an alphabet exemplar from the Elegant Cursive Handwriting Worksheet at hand as I wrote this note on the inside of my thank you card.

    6. Send!

    Finish up by making a nice A7 envelope for your card, then send it on its merry way. An envelope like the one below would be a nice fit for a project like this thank you card, but any nicely addressed envelope will be perfect!

    White, Gray, and Gold Calligraphy Envelope
    Looking for cool envelope calligraphy or mail art ideas? See these posts on the TPK Blog!

    I hope that you can put this thank you card concept to good use! I love it because it’s elegant and pretty … a wonderful way to express your thanks to anyone for anything.

    How to Make the Perfect Calligraphy Thank You Card

    If you have time, give this card concept a try. I suspect you’ll be delighted at how well it turns out and how relaxing it is to make!


    Lindsey's Signature | The Postman's Knock