• How to Draw 3D Letters

    If you want words to practically pop off the page, try learning how to draw 3D letters! Today, I’ll walk you through how to add clean and dramatic shadows to your lettering, both in a video and a written tutorial. Be sure to read to the end of the article for a 3D lettering “cheat…

    How to Draw 3D Letters

    If you want to create block lettering that stands out, consider adding shadows to your letters to make them 3D. It’s an easy process, one that involves identifying corners of letters and connecting them in order to create shadows. You’ll need your pencil, a ruler (preferably a parallel glider), an eraser, and the pen of your choice to get started. If you enjoy this tutorial, consider trying one of TPK’s premium hand-lettering worksheets. They’re 25% off this weekend with the gift card code LETTERINGLOVE.

    The code LETTERINGLOVE is valid through this Sunday, April 28th, at midnight MDT.


    How to Draw 3D Letters: The Video Tutorial

    I filmed this tutorial for those who like to learn with video demos. In it, I’ll demonstrate how to make 3D letters, and I’ll provide creative suggestions for dynamic shadows.

    How to Draw 3D Letters: The Written Tutorial

    If you prefer photo and written instructions to take things at your own pace, you’ll enjoy the written version of this tutorial below:

    1. Draw Thick Block Letters

    Letters will only look 3D if you give them a shadow, and in order to cast a shadow, the letters need to be thick. So, start by drawing out a short phrase using thick letters. If you’re pressed for time, you can type out your phrase in a word processing program, print, and trace the letters. If you’d like to write at a more leisurely pace, try writing your own letters (preferably aided by pencil guidelines), as I’ve done here.

    How to Draw 3D Letters
    This is a thick version of Sans Serif lettering from the Premium Hand Lettering Worksheet Set.

    Remember that it takes some time to draw 3D letters. For efficiency’s sake, it’s always best to commit to a couple of words versus a full sentence. I chose “EAT MORE KALE” because it’s a short, playful phrase.

    2. Add Dimension

    Our goal here is to make these letters look real, like they’re sitting on the page. To do that, we’ll need to add a shadow. To get started with your shadow, use a pencil to lightly draw several diagonal, parallel lines over your phrase.

    How to Draw 3D Letters

    To make these letters 3D, assume that there’s a light source coming from the upper left corner of the page. As such, shadows will appear to the lower right of the letters. To start drawing your shadows, begin with the lower left corner of your first letter. Line up your parallel glider with that corner such that the glider is parallel to the slant lines you drew before. Then, draw along the edge of the ruler to make a pencil line that extends 3/16″ (~ 5mm) from the corner of the letter.

    How to Draw 3D Letters
    I find it easiest to draw 3D letters with a parallel glider (a.k.a. “rolling ruler”) because you can line up the ruler with a diagonal line and roll it forward or backward.

    Identify the remaining corners of your letter, and draw more 3/16″ lines that are parallel to your diagonal lines. Your letter should look something like this:

    Drawing Guidelines

    Now, connect the 3/16″ lines that you drew both vertically and horizontally. The connections that you draw should run parallel to the edges of the original letter.

    Drawing Guidelines

    The process is the same regardless of what letter you’re working on: draw 3/16″ lines from the corners, then connect them.

    Drawing Guidelines
    Some parts of certain letters don’t have a clear corner, like the inside of an “A”. If that’s the case, think about where the shadow would be if these were real letters and there was a real light source. Then, draw the shadow line accordingly.

    Some Tips

    If the shadows of your 3D letters intersect with neighboring letters, that’s perfectly okay! Just remember that all shadow guidelines should appear behind the letters. Take a look at the “M” below, and notice that its shadow remains behind the “O”.

    Drawing Guidelines | The Postman's Knock

    If you have a round letter like “O”, you won’t have any corners to work with. The best place to extend the shadow down is the upper right corner of the letter, where the letter starts to make a sharp descent. You can draw another line at the lower left corner, where the letter has finished its descent. Then, connect those two lines. Don’t forget to draw a shadow on the inside of the letter as well!

    Drawing Guidelines
    For letters like “O”, you’ll need to call in some of your freehand drawing skills. The key is to make lines that are parallel to the contours of the letter.

    3. Add Ink to the Shadows

    Once you have finished drawing pencil guidelines, your letters should look 3D even though they’re not finished yet.

    Drawing Guidelines | The Postman's Knock

    At this point, you can opt to fill in the shadows with the color of your choice. I decided to fill in the shadows with black because I’m going for a classic look.

    Filling in Shadows
    It’s usually easiest and quickest to hand letter with a gel or Micron pen versus a dip pen. I used a Pentel Energel pen (affiliate link) for this project.

    Continue to fill in your shadows until you’ve finished all of your letters.

    Filling in Shadows

    Then, wait for the ink to dry (preferably a few hours, depending on your local climate), and erase any pencil lines.

    Filling in Shadows
    It’s important to wait until your ink has completely dried before erasing pencil lines. You don’t want all your hard work to go to waste with a smudge caused by premature erasing!

    4. Add a Background (Optional)

    At this point, you’re finished with the tutorial because you know how to draw 3D letters. However, since I can never leave well enough alone, I encourage you to consider adding a background that complements your message! For this project, I used grass green ink and a dip pen/Nikko G nib to draw kale leaves. The leaves help the text to stand out even more!

    How to Draw 3D Letters

    You can add any pattern for a background as long as you draw it in a fairly light-colored ink. Feel free to experiment!

    More Information

    For today’s post, I sketched a quick cheat sheet of how you might approach adding shadows to different letters. Feel free to reference this image if you’re stuck!

    Creative Hand Lettering Tutorials Part II | The Postman's Knock
    These letter examples are “Open Style” from the Premium Hand Lettering Worksheet Set.

    If you want to practice drawing stylized 3D letters step-by-step, check out the Circus Lettering Exemplar. All Circus Lettering characters are 3D by default, so drawing those letters can help you to get the hang of making any style of letter 3D.

    Circus Lettering Printable Exemplar + Video Tutorial | The Postman's Knock

    I hope that this tutorial makes sense! The very best piece of advice I can impart is to draft everything out in pencil first so you can see if something looks funky. No one ever said that making 3D letters was quick (it’s really, truly not), and taking the extra time to make a draft will make a huge difference … I promise. Thanks very much for reading, and please let me know if you have any questions!
